Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Discussing the word "Diva" - Part 1

Most of us, at least females, stand of awe of the word "Diva". Most women aspire to accomplish being a diva. From head to toe and in word women aspire to be "Diva-fide". However, from what most of us know about a Diva is not all that pleasant. Therefore, lets us look at this word closely, webster online dictionary defines "Diva" as, a vain or undisciplined person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team. Interesting definition and I am sure and hope that when most women called themselves "diva" or refer to a female friend as "diva" that are not calling themselves "vain" or "difficult". Just food for thought.


  1. I like the way you put the truth about the word Diva, it's not a compliment.

  2. The way society and some women see it--it is not a compliment but believe that the word can carry a positive connotation. That every woman can be a "diva" in her own right but she determines what that is for her and not what society shows through TV, magazines and movies. Thanks for you thoughts!

  3. Diva'ism just like anything classification in society is totally subjective. In some circles to be a diva or even classified as one is respectable...i.e..fashion, music (most of the time). while in others it can be seen as negative ie (business world, life in general). So to get to my point, words like diva are used to classify, dignify, objectify, and even scrutinize people of a like nature. So be true to you and a word is just that a word...

  4. I heard a philisophical statement make an analogy for "word" and it says, "Words are like hammering a nail into a wooden fence". Once you say them you can't take them back, you can apologize or try to make up for them but you can't remove them just like you can't remove the hole in the wooden fence caused by the nail". Words carry power, they create, and they having meaning. It is said, "Life and Death is in the power of the tongue". And it is also say, "the World was framed by the Word of God". Words are used to describe people, places, or things. So we should be mindful and selective in choosing the words we use. Words create--what are you creating with your words? Like the word, "DIVA", what thought comes to mind when you say or hear this word? What are we as women saying or creating when we call ourselves or refer to another woman as "DIVA"? Just food for thought.

  5. Words are only as powerful as those who choose to allow them to have...remember the saying sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me...

  6. That is a timeless cliche that has been used throught time but I beg to differ with your statement. Words can hurt you, again, like I said, words have the power to create...again, Life and Death is in the power of the tongue...so it does matter what words are used...so whethere a person gives attention to the words or not it does not take away from the meaning of the word...look at it like this, words have life... Thanks for your thoughts!

  7. I guess we have to agree to disagree.
